Baby Books! Love em or hate em? The pressure of filling them out makes me aprehensive. I am fine with the initial info about when baby was born, what was happening, what the birth was like, etc. It's just the follow up that gets me! All the other kids have half filled baby books- great at the beginning and then lots of blank pages! Life gets in the way and I forget to stop and fill out baby book info. This is where my big girls will be helping future Marion. They are PSYCHED about the baby book.
Fabric used: Pretty Little Things Tree by Dena Designs, Free Spirit Get Together Flock of Birds Pink
& Valori Wells Wrenly Rosette Cerulean Blue
I knew the notebook slipcover pattern would come in handy for this project. My older daughters helped me choose the fabrics. I added a double layer of cotton batting to make it softer and decided not to add the extra top stitching. A cleaner edge just seemed right for this project.
I purchased the whole set of pages from the lovely Shanda over at CustomMemoryBooks. These are so nice! Shanda customizes the cover page and all the pages just for the baby. Check it out if you are in the baby book market. So so sweet. You can either have her print the pages and send to you or she will customize a set that you can print out yourself. They are clean and simple with modern graphics. Brilliant.
I bought a binder and clear protector pages from Office Max- an invest of about $15. At first I thought I wouldn't like using the protector pages but they are actually really nice. You can insert photos and cards in with certain pages and it keeps the whole thing more organized. You scrap bookers probably already know about this trick but it was new to me!
So, were you good about your baby books? Does it really even matter? All I know is that when I mentioned baby book to the big girls they were so excited. We brought out their baby books and it turns out that I filled in just enough to make them happy and together we talked about their baby times. Phew! Hopefully we can give that gift to Marion too.
I Love this baby book. I made one for my first and bought one for my second. I like the one I made better because you can actually add pages to it. We'll see what happens this time around.
Posted by: Mariel | March 5, 2013 at 04:11 PM
You are so talented, G! I think you can guess what became of Micah and Sawyer's baby books- I think I stuffed an ultrasound picture in Micah's and that was that :)
Posted by: Meghan | March 4, 2013 at 01:31 PM
I think I filled out 5 or 6 pages in Syd's baby book and there is a scrapbook around here with a couple of finished pages. Oops! Hoping the gazillion photos I've taken of her will make up for my baby book slacking ;)
Your baby book is so pretty! Love the idea!
Posted by: vanessa | March 4, 2013 at 12:14 PM