I wish my mystery project was a pieced quilt (I wish I knew how to do a pieced quilt like that!) but it was just a big batch of crayon folios and mini folios.
I have decided to do a couple more shows this fall. I feel conflicted about this since I much prefer creating patterns and sewing new things but a good craft show experience is pretty helpful also.
First of all- it is a nice bit of cash before the holidays! Also, it is wonderful to meet people and see their reaction to my sewing. I get a really good feel for what people like and through talking to them I get some great new ideas. My sewing skills get an excellent work out and I find all sorts of ways to improve my patterns and how to simplify instructions. Those things are more valuable than any $$ I might make!
Plus, my sister(yeah! she is going to help ma again) and I get to hang out for a whole day together without our children :)
All that said, I am not really set up for heavy duty sewing over here. But I have learned to get pretty well prepared with what I do have and I thought I might share a little about my process. To start, here is my sewing machine...
My mom bought it for me when I was 15. My friend Jennifer and I decided we wanted to sew a dress for ourselves and my mother took me to the local Hancocks fabric Store and we bought this together. It was not the most expensive but it was pretty nice. I can remember feeling excited and happy that she would get me such a nice gift on just an ordinary day. Jennifer and I never completed our dresses and I felt like I had let my mom down by not using the machine enough. I didn't use it again until I was 28 and we bought our first home. I'm sure she is happy with the investment now though!
Back to the sewing machine...
It only has a few stitches and I really only use the straight stitch (mostly 6 unless I am doing a ruffle and then I do a 7), and the zig zag. I have made enough in pattern sales to justify purchasing a new, fancy sewing machine. But I like this old gal - she is simple and reliable. I feel like I can explain sewing in a simple way on my machine and that is important to me- If I can sew and create on this machine with just my few stitches than anyone can do it!
Before I begin sewing for a show I always take my machine to get it cleaned and oiled and the tension perfected. Mr Strobel takes care of it out his basement shop. He rocks. He hates new sewing machines and we bond over my devotion to my old machine. This is KEY to being able to sew a bunch of items well since your machine runs like butter after being fixed up and it gives you the extra confidence to create nice items.
The crayon folios are not my favorite to make since I have made like a THOUSAND of them. They are big sellers though and really bring people in to look around at your items. They are also simple and satisfying to make. This time around I decided to forget the special rick rack and trim, forget the effort of coordinating special prints, even forget the sticker pocket! I just grabbed my stack of kid friendly fabrics and started cutting. This helped because I made my fabric selections quickly and cut out about 20 folios and 12 mini folios in just a few evenings. I ran out of interfacing though so I only have 11 folios and 7 mini folios made in the first picture!
I then fused interfacing to all these pieces. I set aside the large outside and inside pieces and then I chain stitch all the pockets and the handles at one time.
That part is pretty fun (especially when you let your kids play with it in the yard!).
Then back to the sewing room and putting it all together, sewing on the velcro, sewing down the crayon dividers, and finally sewing it all together and turning them all inside out. You feel like you are doing all parts of an assembly line! And your sewing machine just purrs away since you just had it cleaned and oiled.
It's nice to have this stack of crayon folio on the shelf. Now I can make something fun and finish up that Lola Pattern! Last week, before I committed to doing this show, I did sew another Lola bag which turned out pretty darn cute...
Maybe I should make some of those for the shows? Do you have a special trick to sew a lot fast? Part of deciding to do this show was a commitment to myself that I was going to be organized and prepared. Fall is full of fun family stuff with the kids and I don't want to miss out by spending all my time slaving away at my sewing machine! Help me blog friends!!! I know some of you have some good experience out there!
oh my goodness! my sewing machine has a twin! and i got it for my 15th birthday, too! it's been a good old friend for 18 years! and still runs like a charm.
Posted by: sarah | September 20, 2011 at 10:15 PM
I have the exact same machine! Love it!
Posted by: Susan | September 18, 2011 at 07:23 PM
I have a White too! My mom bought it for me a couple of years ago to sew my son's baby quilt. She has had hers for 20 years or more and has never had to get it fixed. She said she wanted me to have a sturdy machine with no plastic parts. That came in handy when I filed the bobbin circle because It had gotten nicked by the needle. Thanks for sharing your process.
Posted by: Lauren | September 16, 2011 at 03:18 AM
Love the Lola bag - I have an old Kenmore that I feel the same way about as you feel about your White. This machine is more like 30 years old and runs so perfectly that I cannot part with it - it is a heavy machine - not plastic - which I love. I use just the zig zag and straight stitches so I am happy. I do not need all the bells and whistles on the new machines - it would just confuse me!
Posted by: Anne Marie | September 15, 2011 at 08:27 PM
You should definitely make some Lola bags for your show. I love them and I bet lots of other moms would love them for their daughters too!
Posted by: AnnaPK | September 15, 2011 at 03:43 PM
I have no tips. I reinvent the wheel every time a make something. Oh, I'm such a sucker for those crayon folios. I want them ALL!!!
Posted by: Kristi | September 15, 2011 at 12:14 PM
Love the owl bag! Definitely going to make something inspired by it. (oh, btw: I've pinned you. hope that's ok!
Posted by: Vanilla | September 14, 2011 at 04:13 PM
Very nice! I agree, the owl bag is pretty darn cute!
Posted by: Karen | September 14, 2011 at 04:01 PM
they all look great!!! I used to have a white machine, it was a workhorse!! I like the note on your machine the best though, made me smile! :)
Posted by: amy dunn | September 14, 2011 at 03:35 PM
what a lovely post. I am in just the same boat at the moment I have a few wonderful fairs lined up and I am busy getting organised. I find that I like to cut everything out first and like you I have little mini stages that I work through before moving on I also like to set myself targets which are realistic but also push me a little too. If only I could make all the ideas that jump around in my head. Good luck in the show I know you will do great.
Posted by: madebymum | September 14, 2011 at 03:15 PM
Wow you have been busy, makes me feel really panicky! I've got 3 fairs booked in between now and Christmas and I'm seriously lacking motivation/inspiration!
My special trick is my husband! I get him cutting straight lines while I sew! He's fantastic!
Good luck with your fairs.
Posted by: Mary | September 14, 2011 at 02:07 PM