This time of year I try to find a forsythia bush and break off a bunch of branches (yes, I asked the owner of the bush!). It used to be kinda tricky to find them but now I know what it looks like and I see it everywhere! Once you bring it home, put it in a vase and in about 5 days you will have the picture on the right. Pretty!
Growing up down south, we didn't give forsythia much credit since lots of plants looked beautiful in early spring, but up here in PA, it is a welcome show of yellow before anything else is flowering. It should be blooming in a couple weeks outside. Next I think I will try a dogwood branch.
In other news, Amy just put up some kits to make crayon art folios in her fabric shop, PinkedFabrics. Here is a peek of her beautiful combinations for the kit~
That girl always chooses the best fabric!! Last week I bought a bunch of her fabrics and I am busy sewing away to get ready for my show. I show you some pictures later this week so you can see all the prettiness for yourself. Back to the machine...
My mom used to bring in forsythia in the very early spring when I was growing up and I carry on the tradition each year. Pussy Willows work well too. My kids tease me and say, "We know it's spring when mom brings the sticks in!"
Posted by: Tracy Whitney | March 30, 2011 at 08:12 AM
Love forsythia, and dogwood, too! I would so love to do this, but I am violently allergic to both plants. In fact, we once had the most beautiful forsythia in our yard, and had to cut it down. I cried when we did it, but at least I could breathe again! So, thank you for posting the lovely photos so I can live vicariously through your blog.
Posted by: Staci | March 23, 2011 at 02:51 PM
I wanted to force some looks so springy and bright. When we got back from our trip, ours was already blooming in the yard! Happy Spring!
Posted by: Lisa Q | March 22, 2011 at 11:46 AM
What a good idea. We have tons of forsythia in our yard.
Posted by: Kristi | March 21, 2011 at 08:39 PM
We are abloom and wish you were here! Almost at the end at the forsythias and soon dogwoods! Make sure all those little ones know what FORSYTHIA is and looks like!
Posted by: linda | March 21, 2011 at 08:24 PM
I have one in my garden too but it always looks very straggley. Any ideas about what you do about that?
Posted by: arianwen | March 21, 2011 at 02:24 PM